Young Carer - Professional Support Requests

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The team is currently working on the summer events for young carers and since assessments are carried out in schools, a staff member will pick up the request for support at the start of the new term.

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Please confirm the following:
I have obtained express consent from the parent/guardian of the young carer being referred to provide all of the information required and request support from Carers Resource.
Professionals Details

Professionals Details

Professionals Organisation

Professionals Organisation

Type of Organisation
Young Carer

Young Carer

Further Demographics
Is their disability substantial and/or long term?

Do any of the following apply to the young carer?

School/College attended by the young carer

School/College attended by the young carer

Type of Organization
Key school contact for the young carer

Key school contact for the young carer

Parent or Guardian

Parent or Guardian

Cared For

Cared For

What is the carers relationship to the person they care for?
If the relationship is not listed above please use this box to specify.

To select multiple conditions:

  • Click and hold the Left Mouse button and drag to select multipleOr
  • Hold the CRTL key and Left Mouse button click to select multiple option

Brief Details of support required by the Young Carer

Does the parent/guardian share the young carers address?
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